The 4th month of the Tale of Gamers campaign sees us return to our usual budget. This month I will have £30 to spend.
At the end of month 3 we had to have chosen the Allegiance, Realm, Artefacts, Command Traits, and Spells for our army, as well as any Warscroll Battalions we can make with our current units. Once set, these will not be able to be changed.
With this in mind, I have decided to delay creating a warscroll battalion so that instead of going for the Deathmarch, which I would be able to fulfil with this month's purchases, I will wait until I add Nagash and Morghasts, but that won't be until next year.
With my army being led by a named character, I will not have a command trait, and named characters cannot take any artefacts. With most of my heroes being named characters that limits who can be given one. Below is the list of artefacts and spells that I have given the units in my army so far.
Queen Neferata (General) Amaranthine Orb (Spell)
Vampire Lord (Isabella) Amathystine Pinions (Spell)
Heinrich Kemmler Overwhelming Dread (Spell)
Krell (Wight King) Balefire Lantern (Artefact)
This month I will be adding Vlad von Carstein and a unit of 10 Skeleton Warriors with Spears, bringing my third Skeleton Warriors units to 3. Over the following months I will be focusing on bolstering my Skeleton Warrior units up to being 20 strong each so that they can survive long enough to be healed by my heroes.
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