Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Age of Sigmar Tale of Gamers - Month 3

With Age of Sigmar 2nd Edition being released, month 3 is a special month.

Each player in the campaign has had time to learn the new rules and see if the way their army works has changed. We have a one-off budget of £50 this month, with our current balance held until next month, in order to buy any units that are more needed for this new edition.

I had intended to use the £50 budget to add in the last units I needed for the Deathmarch. However, I found that the Deathrattle Barrow Lords set was still available. While it will delay getting the Deathmarch warscroll battalion, it will get me the Grave Guard I need, plus another unit of Black Knights that I would have added later, as well as a second Wight King.

The Barrow Lords set cost £40, leaving me with enough of my budget to add in Isabella von Carstein.

The games I have played have highlighted the need for characters in my army, which will have been fulfilled with the addition of another Wight King and Isabella this month, and Vlad who will be added next month with the 3rd unit of Skeleton Warriors I need.

I also need to bulk up my units as small units of 10 is far too easily destroyed in one turn. As long as there are some models left, I can resurrect models to the unit using the characters' Deathly Invocation (except for the legacy characters as they do not have this ability).

These games have also shown the disadvantage of lacking the extra command points gained for having warscroll battalions, so once I have bulked up my units I will need to add in a Bloodseeker Palanquin to fill out Nefrata's Court of Nulahmia.

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